Archive for Games

Prince of Persia Warrior

Enter the dark underworld of Prince of Persia 2, the
sword-slashing sequel to the critically acclaimed Prince of
Persia: The Sands of Time. Hunted by Dahaka, an immortal
incarnation of Fate seeking divine retribution, the Prince embarks
upon a path of both carnage and mystery to defy his preordained
death. His journey leads to the infernal core of a cursed island
stronghold harboring mankinds greatest fears. Only through grim
resolve, bitter defiance and the mastery of deadly new combat arts
can the Prince rise to a new level of warriorship and emerge from
this ultimate trial with his life.

->A Warrior Reborn: The Prince has matured immeasurably since his
courageous fight in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. He
returns here with deadlier skills, a darker heart and a craving
for battle.

->A Violent Underworld Revealed: Explore and conquer a cursed
island underworld, breeding ground for the most brutal,
unrelenting monsters to torment mankind.

->Control the Ravages of Time: Ravage enemies with the devastating
new combative powers of the Sands of Time, opening up astounding
variations in fighting gameplay.

->Fight Harder, Play Longer: Hours upon hours of action await in
your fight for survival, including various bonus incentives for
those who finish the game.

[Download Part 1 Here]

[Download Part 2 Here]

[Download Part 3 Here]

Empire Earth

Age of Empires is set in the past, Command & Conquer explores the future, but up to now there was no real-time strategy game that covered the whole breadth of human history. Empire Earth fills this gap and lets you wage war with everything from prehistoric stone thrower up to futuristic battle-mechs.

Empire Earth’s mastermind Rick Goodman was lead designer of the original Age of Empires. Similarities are thus hardly surprising; in fact, his new game can be considered a 3D version of its predecessor. Despite the graphical leap, the game’s look and feel are very familiar – AoE fans will feel perfectly at home. The perspective is fixed in an isometric view, camera management is not required. In your quest to crush the opposition, you build settlements, collect five resource types, recruit troops (land, sea, air) and, well, fight battles. Unit improvements are no longer researched in buildings, but can be bought at once for each unit type. For example, you can increase your tanks’ hit points, attack value, armor, speed and range separately — for a price. It’s your choice whether to spend your income on a huge army, or on an advanced one. Throughout the campaign, you also earn civilization point for heroic deeds; you can spend these on general unit improvements, e.g. reducing your archers building time by 30%, or making your citizens 20% faster.

The game’s four campaigns span the entire history of warfare: conquer the Mediterranean as the Greeks, lead the English from the middle ages to the battle at Waterloo, change history by making the Germans victors of the First and Second World War, and finally create a Russian empire in 2025. The campaign missions are heavily scripted and contain quite a few adventure elements; for example, you must lead William Duke of Normandy safely through enemy ambushes. As the scenarios focus on a set time frame, you don’t advance through the 14 epochs (from the Prehistoric Era to the Nano Age). In skirmish mode and in multiplayer battles, however, you may lead your people from caves into skyscrapers.

system requirement:
Pentium III or higher
32 mb video card
128 mb ram

[Download Part 1 Here]

[Download Part 2 Here]

[Download part 3 Here]
